Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Naturopathic Nod

Tonight's Kangen Water class was attended by a naturopath.  She identified herself as such about 1/2-way through my presentation.  In response I inquired whether everything I had said was within her scope of accuracy and whether she was agreeing with what I had said.  She replied that I was absolutely spot-on with her own knowledge and that nothing had been questionable whatsoever.  That was very encouraging to the rest of the audience I am sure but perhaps it meant even more to me.  I have carefully researched everything in my presentation, but it's always nice to have the nod of a professional in the industry.  Never once have I had a health-care professional counter my presentation.  If anything, they always come away with something new it seems.  In fact...

When about 9/10ths complete tonight, this naturpath told me her "head was spinning".  Her husband, who was with her, was very enthusiastic about learning more.  They wanted literature and contact info and will "definitely be in touch with me" as they put it. 

What is so very exciting about working with Kangen Water is that so few people have yet heard of it!  This is a ground floor opportunity.  We are still in our infancy across this great land !  I can scarcely believe I have the fortunate opportunity of bringing any new insight to a naturopath.  I hold those people in high esteem and I find it very humbling to assist them in learning more. 

Great class tonight and looking forward to good things not only from that couple, but also to the other people in attendance who were enthusiastically hearing about it for the first time! 

Specializing into Obscurity

One of the great problems facing "Western medicine" today is the concept of "specializing" on a certain aspect of the body.  How often does your primary care physician refer you out to a "specialist" who then takes over your health care?  ALL TOO OFTEN!  What is wrong with that?  Plenty!! 

A "Specialist" by definition is one who specializes in one particular zone or region or system within the body.  However, that specialty largely ignores other systems.  The body needs to be viewed as a "whole".  A good health care professional needs to see the forest, not just a few select trees.  Everything in the human body is inter-connected.  Whatever measures are taken need to align with the requirements of every other bodily system.  For example, when your diabetes specialist recommends some type of insulin enhancer but fails to consider how your cancer will be impacted by that, then he or she has specialized themselves into a corner.  They've rendered their service irrelevant. 

We need to have doctors who understand the body as an entire system.  We also need doctors who are interested in helping their patients recover, open to receiving outside advice, and being teachable enough to learn new realms of knowledge.  Sadly that is very lacking!  The right place to find such practitioners is generally amongst naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, and certified nutritionists.  The best of these are using "Kangen Water" in their practices.  They understand that treating the entire body is vital to health care.  Water, being the most common substance in the body, is the most vital to our well-being.  Nothing functions outside it's presence.  Want to learn more?  Visit ""  Round out your own knowledge and learn where good health needs to stem from!  The water inside of you! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Parasitic Lesions 2 - A Fight Against Time

I spoke with the naturopath today again regarding the "Leishmaniasis" issue and the children who are gradually dying due these parasites.  What the naturopath said today confirmed my fears:  Kangen Water is good for everything living, including parasites!!  To give these kids Kangen Water is to feed the problem.  Does that mean introducing acid to these kids?  Probably not.  It does however mean these kids better quit drinking our water and do other things in order to kill the parasites without harming the children.  The Western medicine approach is arsenic??  I don't think so !!  If that is the standard to overcome, that is REALLY LOW !!  She should be able to figure out something better than that!  She really holds out little hope for the children given how long they've been left untreated.  However, she is looking at many different approaches and I've got another idea in mind that may make the difference also.  We'll see how this turns out.  In the meantime she will continue to heal the external lesions using 2.5 acid water.  A fight against time. 

Parasitic Lesions

A naturopath I know called me today.  She and I spoke about a couple children she is treating for "Leishmaniasis".  This is a parasitical situation caused generally from being bitten by a type of sand fly.  Native to tropical regions, this outbreak sadly occurred in our own Eastern United States.  The children are expected to die as there is no known cure.  Whereas the western medicine doctors and dermatologists were unable to diagnose this after several months of experiments, this naturopath studied the pattern of lesions and determined the issue to be parasitical in nature.  A few tests confirmed the type of parasites.  "Arsenic" is the typical approach.  Similar to chemo"therapy" for cancer, the current "solution" for Leishmaniasis is to attempt poisoning the parasites before poisoning the host (the person infected) to death.  While this naturopath is determining the most efficient way to exterminate the parasites in the liver and spleen, she is treating the external lesions with "2.5" acidic Kangen Water.  The low acidity combined with the inherent solvency and oxidizing properties of this special water are overcoming the lesions.  While that alone is gratifying; the real prize will be destroying the parasites themselves.  I will be working with her from a distance as she treats these dear children.  Potentially hundreds of kids could be infected she said.  These children had been at a large convention with their families. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Pain Knowledge Can Bring

In tonight's Kangen Water Class, Keizer, Oregon, we had a young man who lost his first wife to cancer.  It is very sad to teach a class wherein a young fellow like himself is forced to reckon with information that could have or likely would have saved his original relationship.  I could see the pain in his face as I described elements of things he remembered, and the understanding that followed.  "If only I'd have known....". 

The best I could do was to encourage him toward Kangen Water going forward.  His (current) wife is beginning to experience the effects of Type 2 diabetes.  No Way!  I told him that we will not accept that!  We can help him now!  He was very grateful to have heard about this technology and I am sincerely looking forward to working closely with him as he pursues this paradigm shift in understanding health care.

Monday, June 6, 2011

What a friend!

Today I received a phone call from an acquaintance whose friend (had) 1 year left to live.  This poor friend is dying of cancer in her late 30's.  I asked regarding the diagnosis, etc and learned this acquaintance of mine had "meant to ask me about 3 months ago".  Isn't that the pits?  What a great friendship... when relying upon them to initiate a phone call, seeking a way for you to remain alive, results in a 3-month lag-time!  So I guess this means I have 9 months left to try.  This person who needs Kangen Water lives about 75 minutes from me, so I need to figure out how to get them to one of my classes.  "Sharing water" with sometone else at this stage really is not what this person needs to start out doing.  We have definitely brought healing to many situations similar, but what this individual needs is to obtain the technology for themselves!  They need to be drinking the most powerful form of Kangen Water possible which means that it is created fresh with every drink.  Not something that is 2 or 3 days old.  There is no lack of people who need to drink this water, but for people in this situation, it's not about maintenance or time to spare.  It is time to get well and time is quickly passing!  Let's see if we can reach her! 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Compound Results

I'm currently reading a book entitled, "The Compound Effect".  It's written by the publisher of "Success" magazine, "Darren Hardy".  He was earning an annual income in excess of $1,000,000 at age twenty-four!  The book focuses upon purposeful choices, which though they seem small individually, compound over time to create vastly different outcomes than would have been possible without them.  It doesn't matter what goal a person is seeking to achieve...the consistent, disciplined, employment of the compounding effect will cause those goals to come about over time. 

That principle is certainly true of drinking medical grade water.  While it's delicious, smooth, and satisfying...the real changes are not what one perceives in the first day or two.  Some may indeed experience quick results and I've known many such; however, most will notice the greatest results in 2 or 3 weeks.  For some it will take 3-6 months.  The key is to never quit.  Our bodies crave this water and sometimes it may not be what you can see or feel on the surface.  For some it may be what was prevented from happening.  We may never be fully aware of what would have happened had we not been employing a habit.  Had we not been participating in a routine fashion that enouraged health.  The steady use of Kangen Water coupled with solid health practices virtually eliminates the fear of contracting a deadly or debilitating disease.  If one already has such a problem....this water will systematically eliminate it. 

This book is not about a "quick fix".  It is about making good choices, disciplining your habits, and practicing those little techniques that are known to work.  Proven principles work for anyone who exercises them.  Success principles in values and action with Kangen Water for the body.  You can't go wrong!