Tonight's Kangen Water class was attended by a naturopath. She identified herself as such about 1/2-way through my presentation. In response I inquired whether everything I had said was within her scope of accuracy and whether she was agreeing with what I had said. She replied that I was absolutely spot-on with her own knowledge and that nothing had been questionable whatsoever. That was very encouraging to the rest of the audience I am sure but perhaps it meant even more to me. I have carefully researched everything in my presentation, but it's always nice to have the nod of a professional in the industry. Never once have I had a health-care professional counter my presentation. If anything, they always come away with something new it seems. In fact...
When about 9/10ths complete tonight, this naturpath told me her "head was spinning". Her husband, who was with her, was very enthusiastic about learning more. They wanted literature and contact info and will "definitely be in touch with me" as they put it.
What is so very exciting about working with Kangen Water is that so few people have yet heard of it! This is a ground floor opportunity. We are still in our infancy across this great land ! I can scarcely believe I have the fortunate opportunity of bringing any new insight to a naturopath. I hold those people in high esteem and I find it very humbling to assist them in learning more.
Great class tonight and looking forward to good things not only from that couple, but also to the other people in attendance who were enthusiastically hearing about it for the first time!