Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Uncertain of economic times we live in!

It is now 3:00am.  I have been helping our neighbors get ready to move to Nebraska from Keizer Oregon.  There was all manner of wiring problems with the rigs.  Husband and wife are each driving a vehicle and towing another.  Everything is packed to the gills and as might be predictable… they lost nearly a full day to messing with… of course… trailer lights!  There are several things they’re having to leave behind for lack of room.  Wouldn’t you know it… they lost the house to foreclosure or what would have soon become foreclosure.  The husband lost his job… twice recently.  He had built this home 2 separate times after house fires (the first of which burned it to the ground).  They’re wonderful people, but often seem possessed of a bad luck streak.  Over the last 4 years we became pretty good friends and will certainly miss them!  They do not want to go!   

Throughout the last few days, as we’ve sorrowfully helped them get packed, etc… I’ve been reminded of how incredible the Enagic business has been for myself and my family.  I don’t talk about it too often... but the 3- tiered approach to true health outlined by the founder includes financial stability.  My neighbor’s plight illustrates very clearly and right at home, how uncertain of economic times we live in!  Despite building this house for his family and doing everything the hard way for lack of income…. They are still losing it!  

At the same time, myself and several others who are consistently representing the Enagic Corporation are doing well, In fact, we are thriving.  Why?  Because the business vision Enagic has laid out includes each of us as distributors!  Their vision is large enough to include us and they compensate very handsomely for helping spread the word!  We say it glibly perhaps, “Change your Water, Change your Life” but it sure flies home with impact when your neighbors lose virtually everything they have because of a lack of money!  I would say that many people join me as we carry forward the message of hope both in terms of health and wealth.  Isn’t it nice to stay up until 3am simply because of a friend in need and not worry whatsoever about being too tired to get up early enough for a job!?  Setting your own hours!  Boy, What a privilege!  
How can I help YOU?  Will you let me help you generate wealth by bringing health to people’s bodies?  What would $500 of extra cash flow do for your budget each month?   

~David Rieben

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