Saturday, June 4, 2011

Compound Results

I'm currently reading a book entitled, "The Compound Effect".  It's written by the publisher of "Success" magazine, "Darren Hardy".  He was earning an annual income in excess of $1,000,000 at age twenty-four!  The book focuses upon purposeful choices, which though they seem small individually, compound over time to create vastly different outcomes than would have been possible without them.  It doesn't matter what goal a person is seeking to achieve...the consistent, disciplined, employment of the compounding effect will cause those goals to come about over time. 

That principle is certainly true of drinking medical grade water.  While it's delicious, smooth, and satisfying...the real changes are not what one perceives in the first day or two.  Some may indeed experience quick results and I've known many such; however, most will notice the greatest results in 2 or 3 weeks.  For some it will take 3-6 months.  The key is to never quit.  Our bodies crave this water and sometimes it may not be what you can see or feel on the surface.  For some it may be what was prevented from happening.  We may never be fully aware of what would have happened had we not been employing a habit.  Had we not been participating in a routine fashion that enouraged health.  The steady use of Kangen Water coupled with solid health practices virtually eliminates the fear of contracting a deadly or debilitating disease.  If one already has such a problem....this water will systematically eliminate it. 

This book is not about a "quick fix".  It is about making good choices, disciplining your habits, and practicing those little techniques that are known to work.  Proven principles work for anyone who exercises them.  Success principles in values and action with Kangen Water for the body.  You can't go wrong!   

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