Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Specializing into Obscurity

One of the great problems facing "Western medicine" today is the concept of "specializing" on a certain aspect of the body.  How often does your primary care physician refer you out to a "specialist" who then takes over your health care?  ALL TOO OFTEN!  What is wrong with that?  Plenty!! 

A "Specialist" by definition is one who specializes in one particular zone or region or system within the body.  However, that specialty largely ignores other systems.  The body needs to be viewed as a "whole".  A good health care professional needs to see the forest, not just a few select trees.  Everything in the human body is inter-connected.  Whatever measures are taken need to align with the requirements of every other bodily system.  For example, when your diabetes specialist recommends some type of insulin enhancer but fails to consider how your cancer will be impacted by that, then he or she has specialized themselves into a corner.  They've rendered their service irrelevant. 

We need to have doctors who understand the body as an entire system.  We also need doctors who are interested in helping their patients recover, open to receiving outside advice, and being teachable enough to learn new realms of knowledge.  Sadly that is very lacking!  The right place to find such practitioners is generally amongst naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, and certified nutritionists.  The best of these are using "Kangen Water" in their practices.  They understand that treating the entire body is vital to health care.  Water, being the most common substance in the body, is the most vital to our well-being.  Nothing functions outside it's presence.  Want to learn more?  Visit ""  Round out your own knowledge and learn where good health needs to stem from!  The water inside of you! 

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